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What do you think about the 12 Week Meal Plan?

"I can't say enough great things about Melissa and this plan! I'm a very detailed and organized person but just couldn't manage on my own. With her plan and help, I've lost 45 pounds and 24 inches within the last 24 weeks! I've also cut my blood pressure meds in half. This lifestyle change has no end date for me!"


"After just a few weeks on plan, I have tons more energy! I can out-play my little boy and still have energy left to take care of my home. My cravings are gone, the food is great, I'm feeding my family well, and as a bonus, 10 pounds are gone!"


"Nothing about this program is a 'diet.' It's all about eating healthy and portion control. I've lost weight and become a better runner too! I highly recommend this program to anyone who needs a better understanding of nutrition and eating habits."


"I had a wonderful experience with Melissa's nutrition plan! Having a plan for each day with recipes makes losing weight and eating healthy so much easier. It is just a matter of following directions! Melissa has all the work done for you. I've lost 15 pounds, 8.5 inches, and am so much happier with the way I look! She'll be there to help you every step of the way and truly cares about your success."

What's happening because of the 4-Week Challenge?

"I've lost 75 pounds to date and I won't give up!"


"I'm eating way less fast food. Like none! This is huge for my household because we are all in turn eating better and enjoying it, as well as saving money! Also, I feel like a brand new person since I've been getting up, working out, and eating better. It makes me pumped to continue this after the challenge ends!"

"I've actually enjoyed counting macros...I've loved the freedom it brings to my hectic schedule."


"I got a new PR on my mile time and my stamina has increased as well! I constantly have coworkers asking if I'm still losing weight...I am!"


"I'm only 4 days in to the Challenge and my blood pressure was down 20 points this morning!"


"I can do push ups for the first time in my life!"


I'm already down 7 pounds and I feel better all over. I'm not as out of breath doing things and my gut health is doing amazing! I have more confidence. People tell me I look smaller. Changing your eating habit has been easier than I though it would be!"


"I've been asked multiple times what I'm doing because they can tell I'm losing weight and have more energy!"


"This is such an amazing support group of women!"

How has HIIT, FIT, & LEAN helped you?

"Just wanted to tell you, my muffin top is shrinking. And I'm not even altering my diet much at all! I'm able to button some dress pants comfortably that were really tight 3 weeks ago!"


"Shout-out for those bursts of activity! I can really feel my heart rate soar!"


"I love the ebook format of the program! It's so easy to pull up on all my devices."


"Oh my gosh. My arms are crazy sore this morning...I love it!"


"By the way, yesterday's HIIT about killed me. Holy cow. Brutal. But my husband says I'm burning more fat with this kind of progression, so I'll take it!"


"I'm a fit individual anyways...I exercise regularly...And these are still killer workouts! Especially as they progress! I love that they can be scaled for the beginner or the advanced person, and be equally effective for both. Great program!"

Just want some free recipes & advice?!

Thanks! And I know...Emails can be lame. You're about to be pleasantly surprised.

Lean Nutrition est. 2014

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